Sunday, January 10, 2016

3 podcasts that helped me (one which featured me as a guest)

Overcoming a fear is hard, and scary and sometimes it paralyzes you.  This year is the year I am going to overcome some of my fears.  My biggest fear is inaction because of the what if’s.  My biggest fear is over thinking things and wondering what others would think, and the biggest of biggest fear is being scared about what I would think.  Do I look foolish, do I sound foolish, will I make mistakes, and will I say something wrong?  Those thoughts can stop you dead in your tracks and have done so to me many, many times.  But this year, that will change. 

The one thing I did to jump start this new change was book myself on a podcast.  This is a huge deal for me because 1.  I didn’t think I had anything to offer an audience.  2.  I was worried I would sound weird, bad, or stupid.  And 3.  I was giving over my control of something.  If I didn’t like it, too bad, I couldn’t stop it from airing.  If I sounded stupid, too bad.  Once it was done, it was out of my hands.
The day came when Nathalie (the hostess of the podcast) messaged me to inform me that it was going to air the next day.  I was excited but scared.  Then it was the next day and she sent me a link.  My heart was pounding but I didn’t tell anyone because I had to listen first (that control thing).  So, I listened and I loved it.  Sure, I made mistakes.  A few that I want to correct here.  1.  My friend who gave me the book I suggested was not a doula but a midwife.  J.  2.  The quote I used “Scared money don’t make money” is from Chalene Johnson over at Build your tribe podcast.  I forgot to mention her name. I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now. 

After listening I realized that I did have something to offer, and maybe I didn't like how I sounded (who does really?) but I sounded like me.  I can't be anyone else but me.  It gave me inspiration to move forward with other things I have wanted to do.  In fact, a previous podcast on Dearest Doula got me moving on one of my goals to become a Certified Child Birth Educator.    I hope you go and take a listen to Nathalie and you too will just fall in love with her.   If you want to listen to a wonderful podcast, even if you are not a doula, head on over to Dearest Doula and take a listen.  Nathalie alone, is reason enough.   :D

I love podcasts and besides giving me inspirations, podcasts have given me confidence.  Build your tribe is one such podcast.

Chalene Johnson, is the main reason I even agreed to be on the podcast dearest doula. Her motivational and inspiring periscopes and podcasts have propelled me forward in the short few months I have listened to her.  So, I felt terrible that I forgot to mention her.  Yikes. I listen to her maybe 2 or 3 times a day. I listen to some more than once because the information is incredible.
If you have problems with confidence I suggest you head on over to her site and learn to overcome that fear.  She also has tons, and I mean tons of wonderful advice to start and grow your business.  I always get inspired by her podcasts, and I know you will too.

I want to leave you with a third podcast that is also one of my favorites, Read aloud revival.  This podcast is educational, wonderful, and full of wonderful information on the importance of reading aloud to your child, whether they are 1 or 19 years old. 
It’s a wonderful way to bond with your kids, help them build their word banks to become better readers and writers,  and spend that quality time with your family. 
I read to my kids but unfortunately, I am not consistent.  This podcast had reignited the love of reading aloud again to my family.  I have learned why its important to read aloud regardless of the age of your children, in fact, its more important to read to them as they get older.  I also get to learn about titles I have never heard of, which might not be good for my wallet.  Sarah Mackenzie is the hostess, and even though I have just started listening, I am blown away by her and her guests.  

These podcasts have really changed my way of thinking on so many things.  Its wonderful in this time and age for us to have so many avenues to be involved in learning communities.  Podcasts are one way to engage your mind, and learn so much without investing in classes.  They are free!!  Check out itunes and search a topic you love.  I am sure there are podcasts out there for your interests.  

As for me, I give all the credit I can to the podcasts I listen to for giving me direction, for showing me a new way to go, and for connecting with others.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Failure is not trying

It's January 3, 2016, do you know where your goals are?  Most of us might be taking the bullet train toward our goals right now and some of us, like me are in bed coughing up a lung.   This would be about the time we start feeling defeated and wondering why we make goals that we can’t keep because life happens and stops our momentum.  It doesn’t matter if its January 3rd ,  February 3rd,  or December 31st, this feeling can creep in and derail our progress.  Learning to move forward when we don’t want to is something we all have to learn, and something most successful people practice every day.

Recognize that you have made some progress even if it’s not the amount you wanted.  For example, my January Tracker shows that I didn’t do much but walk one day, read one day and worked on Make over your Year.  What it doesn’t show is that the walking I did was at a museum with the kids while coughing up a lung and the reading was 5 minutes one morning when I couldn’t sleep due to the aforementioned cough.  As I looked at my tracker, I almost..ALMOST started feeling a little disappointed.  Then I asked my husband “would it be wrong to check off walked even though I meant walking as a form or exercise and not as part of a museum trip?”  He said “no, do it”  Hmm..well, yes, I did walk, and I got out of the house even though being in bed sounded so much better and reading was reading even if it wasn’t intentional. (i.e. I am going to set this time aside to do some reading. ).  Week one of Make over your year was dreaming big, and writing down those dreams and goals.  Which can be done while in bed, coughing.

I decided to reflect on what I did accomplish.  First, I rested as much as I could because self-care is just as important as reaching our personal goals, or business goals or any goal for that matter.  If you don’t take care of you, you can’t take care of business, right?  Second, I did a few things for my business,  and set up a couple of things on my blog and even printed out and worked on my “Learn how to Mentor” course.  (Which I haven’t marked off on my tracker)  The only thing I didn’t accomplish was perfection.  Which is not possible to accomplish.  If you moved forward, then you progressed.  And that is what reaching goals is all about.  One step is better than no steps, right?